Sword Beans
Chinese name:刀豆
Beans , alias relying sword beans, wild rattan blades, Ge beans, knife beans . Concanavalinus belongs to the leguminous family and is named “Canavalia” because its pods resemble a knife. Because the shape of the pod resembles a person holding a sword crosswise, it is also called “Jiejiandou”. The main varieties are vine and dwarf. Vine beans, also known as “sword beans”, “Chinese beans”, “guan beans”, “sword beans”, “sword beans”, “sword crotons”. An annual herb with vine stems, compound leaves, and 3 small leaves. The flower axis is drawn from the leaf axil. There are several large butterfly-shaped flowers blooming on it, and the flowers are purple-red. It bears large and flat pods, 25-30 cm long and 3.5 cm wide. The seeds have 10 to 14 large, kidney-shaped, red or brown. Native to tropical regions of the Eastern Hemisphere. Dwarf Concanavalin, also known as “Dwarf Concanavalin”, “Concanavalin”, “Concanavalin”. The stems are dwarf or half trailing, with purple flowers, smaller pods than vine beans, white seeds, native to India.
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