Remember the 5 dietary rules to help lose weight

 Avoid skipping breakfast: Many people think that skipping breakfast can reduce your daily calorie intake, so you can lose weight. In fact, not eating breakfast will make your body in an empty stomach state, and the lowering of sugar in the blood will make your appetite more vigorous. When it comes to lunch, I will eat frantically […]

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What should women eat when they stay up late? Eat 7 more foods to help recovery

Nowadays, many young female friends have the habit of staying up late, but studies have pointed out that staying up often not only causes fatigue, dark circles under the eyes, but also may induce breast cancer. Women often stay up late to get breast cancer Did you know that a Canadian study showed that if […]

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What are the preventive methods to prevent respiratory diseases?

Spring is the season of high incidence of respiratory diseases, and respiratory diseases have become an obstacle for babies to go out and play. What are the preventive methods to prevent respiratory diseases? 1. Drink plenty of water The climate is windy and dry, with high dust content in the air. Drinking a small amount of […]

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